Lucid Dreamers
Brigitte Beraha - Voice
George Crowley - Reeds / Electronics
Alcyona Mick - Piano / Synth
Tim Giles - Drums / Electronics
Lucid Dreamers’ sound world is beautifully melodic and wondrously abstract. Their original music draws from the jazz, folk, contemporary classical, free improv and electronic realms with poignant songs, atmospheric and open improvisations, exciting grooves and impactful stillness. They premiered at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall as a trio with Brigitte Beraha, George Crowley and Tim Giles in November 2019 as part of the London Jazz Festival, with music written by Brigitte. Extended to a quartet with Alcyona Mick on piano, they released ‘Lucid Dreamers’ on Let Me Out Records in July 2020, with the follow up 'Blink' in May 2022 which they toured in the UK and Europe. Their third album is due for a release in the Autumn 2025 with a UK / European tour to celebrate.
‘Beautiful’ BBC Radio 3
‘A set packed with off-centre pleasures and subtle delights.’ MOJO, 4 Stars ****
‘Quietly virtuosic UK vocalist Brigitte Beraha is at her delicately airborne, rhythmically audacious best with her closely entwined Lucid Dreamers band.’ The Guardian, John Fordham
‘Easily one of the best vocals-led jazz achievements so far this year and even more interesting because it is so honest and adventurous.’ Marlbank, 4 Stars ****
‘Best of all Beraha is play-ful: full of fun, and in her band mates, her play pals, she has players who are happy to surrender to play-full approaches to serious living’. Jazzwise, 4 Stars Editor's Choice ****
'...Hypnotic, enthralling.. The melding of improvisation, of electronica styled with cohesive and gelling jazz sees these Lucid Dreamers do more than blink, they shimmer with style and investigation, and in Blink they capture the attention of the listener expertly.' Liverpool Sound and Vision
‘Exceptional recording.’ Peter Quinn, Jazzwise * * * *
‘Entrancing and very beautiful’ Alison Bentley, LondonJazzNews
‘Lucid Dreamers is forceful, sustained aural theatre, and it demands nothing but your dreams in action in return. Utterly stunning.’ Liverpool Sound and Vision * * * *
‘Something of a new departure for her, the small, electronically enhanced unit offering unique challenges which pay-off surprisingly well. Her lissom vocals frequently overlaid by looping, creating a mesmeric effect [...] with ethereal, emotionally imbued soundscapes.’ Jazz Journal
‘I’m a big fan of the vocalist Brigitte Beraha. She has a unique, exploratory, explosive, fascinating voice’. Jez Nelson, Somethin’ Else
Written by Brigitte for her highly acclaimed quartet Lucid Dreamers, 'Blink' is the band’s second album release. Partly composed and partly the result of improv sessions, the beautiful 'Blink' transcends jazz, and melds with electronics in a way that is reminiscent not just of Basil Kirchin and Steve Lacy’s late electronic fusion work, but also of Talk Talk and the solo work of Robert Wyatt, in its oceanic ambience, its plaintiveness, and its periodic gusts of squally wildness. 'Blink' - featuring Brigitte Beraha (voice/ electronics), George Crowley (reeds/ electronics), Alcyona Mick (piano/synth) and Tim Giles (drums/ electronics) - is a richly evocative album, yet so spare at times as to threaten to submerge into a blissful, natural silence, intense yet light as air, far reaching in its experimentalism, yet closely attuned to the workings of the human heart.
Lucid Dreamers — the debut album from Brigitte Beraha’s new band brings this creative vocalist’s versatility to the fore with a mixture of acoustic and electronic elements exploring the paradox of modern life, where simplicity and chaos collide to create something imperfectly wondrous.